
FDA-Cleared Device Details


Benefits of Nerve Activation


Clinical Studies Results

Harness Natural Abilities

The future of medical technology is here. Introducing iTear100, an FDA-cleared, handheld medical device created by Olympic Ophthalmics. This revolutionary product offers a new way to treat chronic dry eye, red/swollen eyes, and itchy eyes without the need for expensive eye drops and lubricants.

The breakthrough technology behind iTear100 is focused oscillatory energy; a vibration-based system designed to stimulate the external nasal nerve and activate natural tear production in the eyes. This system differs from competing solutions such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, which both rely on traditional, chemical-based eyedrops. With the iTear100 device, users can enjoy immediate results in just 15 seconds!

Using the iTear100 is incredibly simple. Just hold it in your hand, press a button to activate the vibrating tip, and gently hold the vibrating tip to the side of your nose until tears naturally begin to form. Moreover, weighing only 28 grams and boasting a 10-hour battery life, the iTear100 is both lightweight and portable so users can receive relief wherever their travels may take them.

At Olympic Ophthalmics, we built iTear100 to effectively reduce the symptoms of dry eyes without the use of medication or any other synthetic solutions. As an FDA-cleared handheld medical device, it's an easy and safe way for users to get fast relief and become empowered in the management of their own condition.

Say "no" to eyedrops and say "yes" to the iTear100. An advanced medical device that activates natural tear production quickly, easily and safely. Now that's something to really tear up about.

Olympic Ophthalmics, a leading provider of ophthalmological services, recently released a revolutionary product: the FDA-cleared iTear100 handheld medical device. This device is designed to alleviate dry eye issues, red/swollen eyes, and itchy eyes through a revolutionary method. Rather than utilizing competitor products such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, which rely on eyedrops, the iTear100 uses focused oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve, stimulating natural teardrop production in the eyes.

The device is incredibly lightweight, making it simple and convenient to take on the go. To operate the iTear100, all users need to do is hold the device, press the button to activate the vibrating tip, and then gently press the vibrating tip to the side of their nose. This simple process only takes 15 seconds, making it an incredibly quick solution for those suffering from chronic dry eye issues.

Due to the effectiveness of the iTear100, those who use it no longer need to use eyedrops or any type of medication or lubricant to achieve results. The device takes the hassle out of seeking relief, allowing those with dry eye to get temporary relief through the use of their own natural tears.

The iTear100 is a revolutionary product that provides immediate and comfortable relief to those with chronic dry eye issues. If you're looking for a natural and effective alternative to eyedrops, iTear100 is the right choice. Get the relief you need without drops or lubricants. Grab your iTear100 today!

Do you struggle with chronic dry eye, red or swollen eyes, or itchy eyes? If so, Olympic Ophthalmics has created a revolutionary medical device specifically for you: iTear100. FDA-cleared and clinically tested, the iTear100 device is a handheld device with a vibrating tip that uses focused oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve and stimulate the body to produce its own tears. This radically different approach to managing eye health stands in contrast to products like Tyrvaya and Xiidra which rely on the use of eyedrops.

Unlike competing products, iTear100 doesn't require eyedrops, medication, or lubricants. Instead, it utilizes your body's own tear production within 15 seconds. To use iTear100 simply hold the device and press a button to activate the vibrating tip. Gently rest the vibrating tip against the side of your nose. iTear100 then uses focused oscillatory energy to stimulate the external nasal nerve and cause the body to produce its own tears.

The iTear100 device is lightweight and portable, so you can take it with you wherever you go. This medical device makes suffering from dry eye, red or swollen eyes, or itchy eyes a thing of the past. With iTear100 all you have to do is hold, press, and relax, and you'll have natural tear production in as little as 15 seconds. Say goodbye to tedious eyedrops and hello to effortless tear production. With iTear100 you can experience the convenience of instant relief today.

Say goodbye to dry eyes with iTear100: the FDA-cleared handheld medical device designed to help those with chronic dry eye issues, red/swollen eyes, and itchy eyes, produced by Olympic Ophthalmics. Unlike competitor products that rely on eyedrops, such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, iTear100 uses oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve, stimulating natural tear production in the eyes.

Using iTear100 is as simple as pressing a button to activate the vibrating tip, and then gently touching the vibrating tip to the side of your nose until tears naturally form. Unlike eyedrops, no medication or lubricants are necessary for iTear100 to work. Lightweight and portable, iTear100 offers immediate results in just 15 seconds.

Instead of using eyedrops, think of iTear100 as a device you hold in your hand, activate, and press against the side of your nose for a few seconds to let your own body trigger natural tear production. That's it!

Not only does iTear100 provide relief from the symptoms of dry eyes and itchy eyes, it also decreases the need for additional eye drops, making it a cost effective solution for those who suffer from dry eyes. With iTear100, you can finally get natural tear production and an improved quality of life.

To get the relief you need, get iTear100. Try iTear100 today and see how much better you can feel. For more information on this revolutionary, FDA-cleared device or to order yours today call Olympic Ophthalmics at 650-300-9340.

Natural Teardrop Production

Nasal Nerve Stimulation

Are you suffering from chronic dry eyes, red or swollen eyes, or itchy eyes and want to take control of the situation? Olympic Ophthalmics has the answer you've been searching for. The iTear100 is an FDA-cleared handheld medical device created by Olympic Ophthalmics, with revolutionary technology which helps to relieve the suffering associated with these eye issues.

Revolutionizing Dry Eye Relief

Olympic Ophthalmics' iTear100: A Portable, FDA-Cleared Solution for Chronic Dry Eye Through Nasal Nerve Stimulation

Small, lightweight, and portable, the iTear100 delivers quick, convenient results in just 15 seconds. Holding the iTear100 in the palm of your hand, simply press the button to activate its vibrating tip and touch it gently to the side of your nose.

iTear100 is the latest medical device to be cleared by the FDA, created by Olympic Ophthalmics. This revolutionary device offers relief from chronic dry eye and red or swollen, itchy eyes without the need for medication, lubricants, or eyedrops.

Unlike competitor products such as Tyrvaya, and also Xiidra, which rely on eyedrops, using the iTear100 device quickly causes natural tear production, without the need for eyedrops, medication, or lubricants.

Nasal Nerve Stimulation: Revolutionizing Dry Eye Treatment Beyond Eyedrops

Fighting Chronic Dry Eyes: iTear100's FDA-cleared, Portable Device Innovates Treatment with Nasal Nerve Stimulation by Olympic Ophthalmics

Nasal Nerve Activation: Quick Results

Introducing iTear100, the revolutionary handheld medical device created by Olympic Ophthalmics. This FDA-cleared device uses focused oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve, stimulating natural teardrop production in the eyes.

Benefits of Nasal Nerve Activation

Olympic Ophthalmics, an industry leader in dry eye treatment, has introduced iTear100, the answer to chronic dry eyes, red/swollen eyes, and itchy eyes.

Instantaneous Nasal Nerve Activation Outcomes

Tired of dealing with chronic dry eye issues or red and swollen eyes? Olympic Ophthalmics has the answer with their iTear100, the FDA-cleared handheld medical device.